About Us
Market trends and potential.
- There is a huge buzz for Machine learning applications, potentially in many industries worldwide
- Renewable energy have a Growth of up to 10 % per year until 2040 (Statoil New ventures) Siemens Romeo developed a ML for maintenance of the wind turbines.
- Other potential competitors are Accenture, IBM, Google
- There are some niche players developing solutions by market as well, like Tachyus in oil and gas and aerospace.
- The wind offshore is environmental friendly and trends with the Paris Agreement on Climate (COP21) of Dec. 2015
- Goal is to reduce with New designs and strategies the LCoE below 0,098 €/kWh by 2025 and 0,08 €/kWh by 2030.
Wunder Ocean increase the efficiency of wind farms with its innovative technology; reducing cost, time and construction & logistical operations
Wunder Ocean has its headquarters in Figueira da Foz, Portugal. Figueira da Foz is located in the west coast of Portugal, next to the city of Coimbra and half-way between Lisbon and Porto. Traditionally a fishery and a salt producer town, and later on a popular touristic destination. Figueira has emerged in the last years as a hub of marine and blue economy where Wunder Ocean has foreseen the bright future of this wonderful town where marine renewable energy will play a great role in the future.
Our Strategical Partner: Wunder Hexicon
Wunder Hexicon is a Spanish company headquartered in Gran Canaria, that developes floating offshore wind projects in Spain and Portugal. Based on the multi-platform Hexicon’s technology. Wunder Hexicon aims to implement floating offshore wind and is currently developing the hybridization with other technologies such as energy storage by hydrogen. Wunder Ocean and Wunder Hexicon plan to collaborate with each other by adding value to both market development areas.
Improving the efficiency in the Wind Energy sector
Onshore & Offshore
Alex Godard
CEO. +10 years of experience in management and business development positions in oil in North and West Africa, Middle East and Europe. Stanford trained on machine learning, deep learning and reinforcement learning.
Pablo Gascón
CTO Engineer. Expertise in Design as well filing Patents for innovative products. Experienced in trouble shooting and identifying solutions.
Jorge Dot
+17 years as consultant specializing in the industrial sector, having worked on projects in automotive, steel, food, energy, gas and oil sectors. In 2006 he started his own company to develop power generation projects based on renewable sources..
Pedro Pires
Pedro Pires is a Mechanical engineer and Project manager. With MSc and PhD in Mechanical Engineering (IST) and a Comercial Pilot License, with a frozen ATPL, he has extensive experience on project management of innovative projects, due to the work developed with the Windfloat, DemoGravi3, WaveRoller and Corpower Marine Renewables devices and in more than 10 major offshore renewable energy related projects along with providing technical support services for the manufacturing, transport and installation of the Windfloat Atlantic export cable and led the team responsible for the Hardware development projects, offshore operations and logistics.
Jesús Angulo
Jesús is an Industrial Engineer (U.P. Valencia, Spain, U. Strathclyde, UK) with extensive experience in renewable energy, especially in wind and photovoltaic sectors. He has participated in the authorization of several wind and photovoltaic farms, running his own engineering company. As an engineer he has been responsible of design installations for hospitals, hotels and factories in Spain and nowadays he is participating in OceanH2 project for green hydrogen production in offshore floating wind farms.
Mickael Semiao
Mickaël is a Franco-Portuguese mechanical engineer with some years of experience in the aeronautical industry, more specifically in the production chain and processes. He participated in the ramp-up of various aeronautical components through the research & development of several mechanical tools.
Today, he is based in Portugal, in Figueira da Foz and participates in the development of the Self Erecting Tower project in collaboration with the University of Coimbra.
Global Opportunity
Values: The Values that represents Wunder Ocean are
- Professionalism
- Engagement
- Research
- Innovation
- Experience
- Trust
The offshore wind and onshore sector are booming due to the need to meet the EU's emissions reduction targets . The Wind industry has to find ways to be more efficient in terms of design, construction, maintenance and safety and hygiene.
Wunder Ocean aims to enter the market by offering innovative solutions for onshore and offshore, through "Software" and "IP". Helping to implement wind energy globally saving costs, reducing logistical requirements and time, thus optimizing the LCoE.